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A LEHSC is a committee which is designed to substantively shift the conversations and decisions that define the homeless crisis response for the County by including the voices of those with lived experience of homelessness whose racial and ethnic identities are overrepresented in the homeless count and underrepresented in the places where decisions on policy and process are made.

What is the Lived Experience Housing Steering Committee (LEHSC)?

How do we define lived experience?

Anyone with an experience with transitional, episodic, chronic, or concealed (aka hidden or invisible) homelessness, past or present, and has experience navigating houseless support services, and used to inform solutions to end homelessness.

Why is this needed?

Year after year, the Point in Time Census returns data that confirms – there is significant over- representation of racial and ethnic groups including Black, Native American, and Alaska Native, Latinx and others in the populations of those experiencing homelessness. The LEHSC will ensure the voices of those racial and ethnic groups that are over-represented in the homeless count are heard in the places where decisions on policy and programs are made.

How to Apply:

Complete and submit an application form. Access the form here


Applicants should have lived experience of homelessness.

Applicants should represent a diverse racial and ethnic identity and reside in Thurston County.

There will be a review process to make sure that people joining the committee represent the broadest diversity & voice for the work ahead. Everyone may not be selected, and we are committed to being transparent for folks about how decisions were made.

If you'd like to nominate someone, we encourage you to be available to support their involvement by being a mentor & safe space during onboarding.



What is a steering committee?

This is a group of people who come together to offer their wisdom and perspectives on a topic - in this case, the homeless crisis response system and the organizations, programs, and policies that define how Thurston County works to end homelessness.


What will be expected of members?

Members will be asked to meet regularly, to give their opinions, to listen to others, and to become a part of a team who give feedback to those who make decisions about how things work in the homeless crisis response system.


How much time will members be asked to give, when, and how often?

The commitment will be two meetings a month, both in person and virtual. LEHSC members will be expected to consistently attend these meetings to do the work together.


Will members be paid for their time?

Yes. Members will be paid a stipend of $200 a month. Work expectations include tasks outside of the meetings such as attending community meetings or helping with outreach to key partners for program feedback. Attendance and engagement at the meeting times is required for full payment.


If you have further questions, please reach out to


Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

1009 State Ave NE, Olympia, WA 98506

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